Children's Motor Development, DietAbstract
In general, school age has rapid physical, intelligence, mental and emotional growth. Foods that contain nutrients are expected to exist in the process of growth and development. Children who consume adequate nutrition regularly will affect their motor development perfectly so that they have high learning achievement and enthusiasm to participate in all their activities. This research uses cross sectional method. With a sample of 110 respondents, parents and children aged 7-8 years at SDN Kutajaya 1, Tangerang Regency, which were taken by random sampling. Data were collected using a questionnaire. The results of the chi square test, obtained a p-value of 0.000 0.05, which means that there is a relationship between eating patterns and motor development. With an Odds Ratio value of 4.867, which means that children with good eating patterns have a good chance of motor development 4.8 times compared to poor diet with 95% confidence. Parents need to provide proper dietary intake such as paying attention to nutritional values and eating schedules for their children because this will be useful for the developmental needs of children, especially in the motor development of children aged 7-8 years so that children become more active and intelligent.
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