
  • Fitriani Fitriani STIKes Yatsi Tangerang
  • Zahrah Maulidia Septimar STIKes Yatsi Tangerang


Learning Effectiveness; Online Learning; Covid-19 pandemic


The World Health Organization (WHO), at the end of 2019 received information about cases of pneumonia that occurred in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. Data on the situation of the corona virus (COVID-19) in Indonesia is currently confirmed positive for 1,577,526, recovered 1,426,145, died 42,782, based on updated data sources on April 13, 2021. Then data on the situation in Banten was confirmed 45,432, under treatment 2,034, recovered 42,233, died 1,165. Meanwhile, in Tangerang City, there were 8,507 confirmed cases, 223 were being treated, 8,117 were recovered, and 167 people died. This type of research method uses descriptive quantitative. The data collection technique used an online survey method. The sampling technique used was 292 respondents. and using a questionnaire instrument through the Google form. The results showed that the significance value of the infrastructure variable was 0.000 < 0.005. it means that there is a significant influence between facilities and infrastructure on the effectiveness of learning. And the significance value of the technology media variable is 0.000 < 0.005. it means that there is a significant influence between facilities and infrastructure on the effectiveness of learning. Online learning that is carried out is indeed sufficient to replace face-to-face learning. Readiness of students and lecturers both in terms of the ability to use technology and the availability of adequate learning facilities.


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How to Cite

Fitriani, F., & Septimar, Z. M. . (2022). FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI EFEKTIVITAS PEMBELAJARAN DARING DIMASA PANDEMIC PADA PERGURUAN TINGGI KESEHATAN. Nusantara Hasana Journal, 2(1), 59–63. Retrieved from https://nusantarahasanajournal.com/index.php/nhj/article/view/329

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