Contribution, Income, Rice FarmingAbstract
The purpose of this study is (1) to determine the income of lowland rice farming in the strait village and (2) to determine the contribution of lowland rice farming income to the household income of farmers in the Strait Village of Pemayaung Sub-District of Batanghari Regency. The research on the steps from December 26, 2018 to February 2, 2019 was conducted in the Selat Village, Pemayung District, Batanghari Regency. The placement of the research area was carried out intentionally (purposive) with the consideration that most of the people in this area were paddy rice farmers and not many researchers conducted research in the area. The number of samples in this study amounted to 15% of the population of 30 farmers out of 195 farmers. Data processing is performed using the help of a computer program, namely Microsoft Excel 2010. The results showed that (1) farming income in this strait village had a high income value to the household income of farmers, namely 52.57%. Da (2) the income of lowland rice farming contributed 36.50% to the household income of farmers, this states that the income of lowland rice farming contributed highly to the household income of farmers.
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