
  • Deta Putra Halawa Universitas Asahan
  • Khairani Amalia Simbolon Universitas Asahan
  • Sella Tusifa Adha Universitas Asahan
  • Apriyanto Zebua Universitas Asahan
  • Anggi Syahputra Sitorus Universitas Asahan
  • Rudi Syafrizal Universitas Asahan
  • M. Heriyanto Universitas Asahan
  • M. Diaz Bachtiar Nst Universitas Asahan
  • Erwin Syahputra Universitas Asahan


leadership, Motivation, Type


Leadership is closely related to a person's skills, abilities and knowledge in terms of influencing others to do something that is the desire and goal of a leader. A leader must have different types or traits, so with the typology of leadership, each type or nature of each leader can be grouped in order to create harmony between the leader's relationship with its members. In terms of motivation, the leader must have his own way or method in influencing his subordinates with the aim of improving the performance of responsible subordinates.


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How to Cite

Deta Putra Halawa, Khairani Amalia Simbolon, Sella Tusifa Adha, Apriyanto Zebua, Anggi Syahputra Sitorus, Rudi Syafrizal, M. Heriyanto, M. Diaz Bachtiar Nst, & Syahputra, E. (2022). PEMIMPIN SEBAGAI PENGGERAK MOTIVASI. Nusantara Hasana Journal, 2(3), 88–91. Retrieved from

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