Hasana Journal2025-01-23T08:45:53+07:00Muhammad Habibullah Aminynusantarahasana@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p>Nusantara Hasana Journal (NHJ) is a Peer-Reviewed, Open Access journal that a scientific paper original articles of research and community engangement and review of the literature.</p> HARGA DAN SUASANA KAFE DI KAWASAN SENGGIGI TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN PADA MAHASISWA2025-01-09T11:26:25+07:00I Putu Septian Adi Prayudayuda.unizar@gmail.comFathurrahman Fathurrahmanfathurrahmanmaksi@gmail.comSlamet Mardiyanto Rahayuslamet.mardiyantorahayu84@gmail.comLale Ajeng Khalifatun<p><em>Senggigi is a popular tourist destination in West Nusa Tenggara. Price and cafe atmosphere are factors that determine purchasing decisions for a product. Based on research, it can be seen that the price and atmosphere of cafes in the Senggigi area greatly influence students' purchasing decisions.</em></p>2024-01-10T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 I Putu Septian Adi Prayuda LIVELIHOOD ASSETS DI KABUPATEN LOMBOK BARAT2025-01-09T11:30:51+07:00Saharsahar.unizar@gmail.comSlamet Mardiyanto Rahayuslamet.mardiyantorahayu84@gmail.comMuhammad Habibullah Aminyhabibamin22@gmail.comFathurrahman<p><em>Kekait is one of the villages included in Gunungsari District, West Lombok Regency. Most of the residents of Kekait Village make their living as farmers with superior natural capital, namely: Oryza sativa (rice), Zea mays (corn), 962 heads of Bos sondaicus (cattle); 632 Capra hircus (goats); 13,080 broiler varieties of Gallus domesticus (broiler chickens); 14,217 heads of Gallus domesticus free-range variety (free-range chickens); 904 Anas domesticus (duck), Mangifera indica (mango), and Arenga pinnata (palm).</em></p>2025-01-10T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Sahar ANATIDAE DI KABUPATEN LOMBOK BARAT2025-01-09T11:33:50+07:00Slamet Mardiyanto Rahayuslamet.mardiyantorahayu84@gmail.comSyuhriatin<p><em>Sigerongan is one of the villages in Lingsari District, West Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province which has biodiversity, one of which is Anatidae. Ethnoornithology is the study of the use of fauna by a community group. This research aims to determine the use of Anatidae by the Sasak tribe community in Sigerongan Village, Lingsar District, West Lombok Regency. There are two species of Anatidae that are used by the community as food, namely: Anas platyrhynchos and Cairina moschata.</em></p>2024-01-10T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Slamet Mardiyanto Rahayu SISTEM PENUNJANG KEPUTUSAN PENENTUAN MASJID TERBAIK SEKOTA MAKASSAR MENGGUNAKAN METODE PREFERENCE SELECTION INDEX (PSI)2024-12-12T21:53:07+07:00Muh Fachrie Rizaldyfachriestmikprof@gmail.comSatriawaty<p><em>Analysis of the Decision Support System for Determining the Best Mosque in the City of Makassar Using the Preference Selection Index (PSI) Method is a system created with the aim of assisting the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of South Sulawesi Province to make decisions regarding the determination of the best Mosque in the City of Makassar. The best mosque is a mosque that is well managed as the function of the mosque is not only as a place of prayer, but the mosque is also a place to study and develop the economy of Muslims. Based on these problems, a good mosque management system is needed so that it can be an example for other mosques. The Preference Selection Index (PSI) method can answer the problem of determining the mosque with the best management in Makassar City. The Preference Selection Index (PSI) method can solve multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) and does not need to determine the relative importance between attributes. In fact, there is no need to compute attribute weights involved in decision making in this method. It is hoped that this application will be useful for the South Sulawesi Province Ministry of Religion Regional Office to obtain information on the best mosques in the Makassar City area and make it easier to determine the best mosque in Makassar City.</em></p>2025-01-10T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Muh Fachrie Rizaldy FR PENGARUH KUALITAS PRODUK DAN LAYANAN TERHADAP KEPUASAN KONSUMEN2025-01-09T11:37:46+07:00Hasan<p><em>This research aims to find out how much influence product quality and service quality have on consumer satisfaction. The population in this study were customers of Cv.GenArt Advertising Banyuwangi with a sample size of 100 respondents and the technique used was nonprobability sampling. Data collection uses questionnaires that have been filled in by consumers. And data analysis techniques use validity tests, reliability tests, multiple linear regression analysis, hypothesis testing via the f test and t test, as well as the coefficient of determination (R2). Data processing in this research uses SPSS Statistics 25. The results of this research show that partially there is a positive and significant influence between product quality and consumer satisfaction as shown by the t count of 6.236. There is a positive and significant influence between service quality on consumer satisfaction as shown by the t count of 6.726. There is a significant influence between product quality and service quality simultaneously on consumer satisfaction, this is shown by the calculated F value of 36.591. Based on the coefficient of determination (R2), it shows that the contribution of product quality and service quality has an effect on consumer satisfaction of 0.410, which means that 41% of consumer satisfaction can be explained by independent variables consisting of: product quality and service quality, and the remaining 59% is explained by variables others not included in this study.</em></p>2025-01-10T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Hasan Abdullah OF THE PERFORMANCE OF REGRESSION-SPECIFIC AND MULTI-PURPOSE ALGORITHMS2024-12-10T19:47:40+07:00Nasir Thamrinnonongthamrin@gmail.comNurahmad<p><em>Regression is a data science method for evaluating the relationship between independent and dependent variables. This study compares the performance of various regression algorithms using the Boston Housing Dataset, which consists of 506 samples divided into 80% for training and 20% for testing. Performance evaluation was conducted using metrics such as Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Mean Squared Error (MSE), Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE), and the Coefficient of Determination (R²). All algorithms were implemented with default hyperparameter settings provided by the Scikit-learn library to ensure fair comparison. The results showed that versatile algorithms, particularly Gradient Boosting Machines (GBM) and Random Forest, achieved the best performance with R² values of 0.92 and 0.89, respectively, and lower errors. Conversely, regression-specific algorithms, such as Linear Regression and Ridge Regression, recorded R² values of approximately 0.67, while the k-Nearest Neighbors algorithm had the lowest performance with an R² of 0.65. Versatile algorithms proved to be more effective for datasets with complex non-linear patterns, while regression-specific algorithms were better suited for linear data patterns. These findings provide guidance for practitioners in selecting algorithms based on data characteristics and analysis objectives.</em></p>2025-01-10T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Nasir Usman HANDSANITIZER SPRAY MINYAK ALPUKAT (Persea americana mill) TERHADAP BAKTERI Staphylococcus aureus 2025-01-09T11:58:54+07:00Ika Buana Dzatul Badrus Putri<p><em>Hands are often the medium for contamination with pathogens. Bacteria on the palms of the hands belong to the normal flora group. Hand sanitizer spray is a hand sanitizer in the form of a spray for cleaning or removing germs on hands which contains several active ingredients derived from synthetic chemicals or natural ingredients. Natural ingredients that can be used as antimicrobial alternatives are found in avocados. The active substances contained in avocados are antibacterial, namely flavonoids, tannins, quercetin, alkaloids and saponins. Staphylococcus aureus bacteria are gram-positive micrococci bacteria that attack humans or are coagelase-positive. This research was carried out by making an avocado oil hand sanitizer preparation, then evaluating the formulation of the preparation and calculating the inhibitory power of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria. The media used was nutrient broth with inhibition power calculated using a caliper and analyzed using One Way Anova to compare each formulation. The results of the preparation meet the requirements of the organoleptic test, namely clear color, avocado aroma and liquid form. The preparation has good homogeneity with a pH value between 4.5-6.5. The inhibitory power obtained with medium strength is between 5-10. Avocado oil is an alternative for making hand sanitizer spray because it has active substances that inhibit the growth of bacteria.</em></p>2024-01-10T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Ika Buana Januarti PEMILIH PEMULA GUNA MENINGKATKAN PARTISIPASI POLITIK PADA PILKADA 2024 DI DESA ADIREJO KECAMATAN PEKALONGAN 2025-01-09T12:04:11+07:00Mirnawati Mirnawatimirnaheru5@gmail.comIntan Destriliamirnaheru5@gmail.comDaud Husnimirnaheru5@gmail.comYuyun<p><em>The purpose of this community service program is to enhance political participation among first-time voters in the 2024 local elections. The location for this service isi in Adirejo</em><em> village, Pekalongan District, East Lampung Regency. To achieve the desired goals of this service, several methods have been employed, including core and supplementary programs. These include outreach efforts to the youth of Adirejo</em><em> village, Pekalongan District, related to socialization for first-time voters, aimed at increasing political participation in the 2024 local elections in Adirejo</em><em> village. </em><em>The hope of implementing this service activity is that teenagers, especially those in the age category of beginner voters in Adirejo Village, will have a better understanding of how to use their voting rights to participate in the 2024 regional election activities.</em></p>2025-01-10T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Mirnawati KEJELASAN SASARAN ANGGARAN, SISTEM PELAPORAN DAN PENGENDALIAN INTERNAL TERHADAP AKUNTABILITAS KINERJA INSTANSI PEMERINTAH2025-01-09T12:17:06+07:00Widya Nisa Wulan<p><em>This</em><em> research aims to analyze the influence of Budget Target Clarity, Reporting System, and Internal Control on the Performance Accountability of Government Agencies (Case Study in the Banyuwangi Regency Local Government). The sample in this study consists of the Regional Secretariat, Regional DPRD Secretariat, Inspectorate, Departments, and Agencies in Banyuwangi Regency, totaling </em><em>27 SKP</em><em>D, using the convenience sampling method. The study involves 54 respondents. Primary data was collected through a questionnaire, and data analysis employed instrument tests, classical assumption tests, multiple linear regression analysis, hypothesis testing, and determination coefficient tests using SPSS Version 26. The research findings indicate that budget target clarity does not significantly influence the performance accountability of government agencies, evidenced by a t-value of 1.234 < t-table 2,008 and a significance value (sig) of </em><em>(0.223 > 0.05</em><em>) The reporting system does not significantly influences the performance accountability of government agencies, with a t-value of 1.789 < t-table 2,008 and a sig value of</em><em> (0.080 > 0.05</em><em>). Internal control significantly influences the performance accountability of government agencies, with a t-value of 2.378 > t-table 2,008 and a sig value of </em><em>(0.021 < 0.05</em><em>)</em><em>.</em></p>2025-01-10T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Widya Nisa Wulan Kinasih ENGAGEMENT IN ONLINE LEARNING IN INFERENTIAL STATISTICS COURSES2025-01-09T12:19:34+07:00Winda Hurotul ‘<p><em>This study explores the dynamics of <strong>student engagement</strong> in <strong>online learning environments</strong> for inferential statistics courses. With the shift to digital platforms, maintaining active participation and sustained interest in mathematically intensive subjects has emerged as a critical challenge. The research employs a mixed-method approach, combining quantitative surveys and qualitative interviews, to analyze cognitive, emotional, and behavioral engagement among students. Key factors such as instructional design, technological tools, and peer interaction are evaluated to understand their impact on learning outcomes. Findings indicate that interactive content, regular feedback, and collaborative activities significantly enhance engagement, while technological challenges and lack of motivation serve as primary barriers. The study offers practical recommendations for educators, focusing on adaptive learning strategies, gamification, and personalized support to foster deeper engagement. These insights contribute to improving online pedagogy in inferential statistics, ensuring that students remain motivated and achieve academic success in virtual settings.</em></p>2025-01-10T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Winda Hurotul ‘Aini PELAYANAN PUBLIK (STUDI PADA PENGUJIAN KENDARAAN BERMOTOR PADA UNIT PELAKSANA TEKNIS DAERAH KOTA MATARAM)2025-01-02T12:32:28+07:00Siti Hidayatul Jumaahhidayatulj929@yahoo.comVidya Yanti Utamihidayatulj929@yahoo.comIbnu<p><em>Excellent service quality is the desire of all people, but until now there are still many public services whose quality is not in accordance with what is expected by the community. Motor Vehicle Testing Services are services whose quality needs to be improved considering that this testing is important to ensure that vehicles operated on the road meet technical and roadworthy requirements and do not pollute the environment. This study aims to analyze the quality of public services with a focus on the study of the UPTD PKB of Mataram City. The method used is descriptive qualitative with primary and secondary data types, data collected through observation, interviews and documentation, while data analysis techniques use interactive analysis. The results of the study show that the quality of service is in the good category. The physical evidence aspect which includes the testing building, administrative service building, and other supporting facilities are in good condition and provide comfort. Reliability which includes timeliness, cost, and service procedures also shows good results, although service time needs to be improved. The responsiveness aspect is classified as good, where service officers have the skills to handle complaints. Service officers also show good empathy through attention, seriousness, and sympathy for the needs of the community. Meanwhile, the guarantee aspect can also be said to be good, because the quality of the officers has qualifications and competence even though in terms of quantity it needs to get additional personnel.</em></p>2025-01-10T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Siti Hidayatul Jumaah REPORT MALIGNANT GLOMUS TUMOR: A RARE CASE2025-01-09T12:24:28+07:00Pamelia Zulyati<p><em>Background: Glomus tumor is a rare mesenchymal neoplasm that accounts for less than 2% of all soft tissue tumors and 1.5% of extremity neoplasms. Malignant glomus tumors are exceptionally rare, comprising only 1-2.9% of all glomus tumors, and are often associated with significant diagnostic and therapeutic challenges. Case Presentation: We report a case of a 62-year-old male presenting with a painful lump on his left thumb, progressively enlarging over six months. Clinical examination revealed a 3x2x1 cm subungual mass with positive cold sensitivity and pin love tests. The patient underwent amputation, and histopathological analysis showed a proliferation of round-to-oval and spindle cells with nuclear atypia, frequent mitotic figures (>5/50 HPF), and atypical mitoses, consistent with malignant glomus tumor grade 2. Surgical margins and bone were free of tumor infiltration. Conclusion: This case highlights the importance of clinical-pathological correlation in diagnosing malignant glomus tumors, which remain a diagnostic challenge due to their rarity. Complete surgical excision with negative margins remains the gold standard for treatment, ensuring favorable outcomes and minimizing recurrence risk.</em></p>2025-01-10T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Pamelia Mayorita PELAYANAN PUBLIK MELALUI PENDEKATAN KOLABORATIF TRIPLE HELIX: SUATU IDENTIFIKASI DAN MENGATASI PATOLOGI PELAYANAN KEPENDUDUKAN DI DESA SUKOMAJU2025-01-09T12:28:00+07:00Fahreza Nur Azizahrezaazizah116@gmail.comSri Wilujengsriwilujeng426420@gmail.comHary<p><em>The existence of illegal levies in the delivery of public services greatly disrupts the success targets of government programs. The fact of illegal levies makes society hostage. One side wants to reject it but on the other side it needs the output of the service program. The government must routinely monitor and evaluate service program implementers. The government must serve the people, not the people serving the government. This research is to interpret and analyze pathology management in the implementation of population services using the collaborative triple helix principle. Researchers apply qualitative research methods according to constructive and participatory principles. Primary data was obtained from interviews, and secondary data was obtained from the results of literature studies and various regulations relevant to the substance of the research. The conclusion obtained is that the function of the Government is not only responsible for designing public service policies, but also must provide assurance that its apparatus has implemented it effectively, collaborated with interested parties, and ensured that policy implementation has a positive impact on society. As for the recommendations set out in this research, triple helix collaboration can form a comprehensive governance system and integrate various interrelated dimensions in building village government that is effective, transparent, fair, and able to face future challenges by maintaining integrity and accountability.</em></p>2025-01-10T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Fahreza Nur Azizah KADAR VITAMIN D DENGAN GLUKOSA DARAH PUASA MAHASISWA FAKULTAS KEDOKTERAN UNIVERSITAS BAITURRAHMAH2025-01-09T12:32:48+07:00Fikri Alamsyahmilajelmila@gmail.comSri Nani Jelmilamilajelmila@gmail.comNilas Warlemmilajelmila@gmail.comMelya<p><em>Vitamin D plays an important role in various metabolic functions, including glucose regulation. Vitamin D deficiency has been increasing worldwide and is now a global health concern. Several studies have shown an association between low vitamin D levels and an increased risk of insulin resistance and impaired glucose metabolism. This study aims to determine the relationship between vitamin D levels and fasting blood glucose in medical students at the Faculty of Medicine, Baiturrahmah University, Padang. This study was an observational analytic study with a cross-sectional design. The research sample consisted of 52 medical students from the Faculty of Medicine, Baiturrahmah University. The mean vitamin D level was 23.35 ± 10.71 ng/ml. The mean fasting blood glucose level was 79.61 ± 1.17 mg/dl. The Spearman correlation analysis between serum vitamin D levels and fasting blood glucose showed an r-value of 0.04 and a p-value of 0.76. There was no significant relationship between vitamin D levels and fasting blood glucose.</em></p>2025-01-10T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Fikri Alamsyah IMPLEMENTASI STANDAR PELAYANAN KEFARMASIAN DALAM PENGKAJIAN RESEP RACIKAN PEDIATRI DI RSUD LASINRANG KABUPATEN PINRANG2025-01-09T12:41:57+07:00Nurlina Nurlinareskiawalia88@gmail.comReski Awaliareskiawalia88@gmail.comA.<p><em>Pediatrics is a group that is vulnerable to disease because the immune system and physiological functions of organs are not yet fully developed. Pediatric patients usually have multiple medication problems. Medication errors can occur in each treatment process, both in the prescribing process (prescribing), reading prescriptions (transcribing), preparation to delivery of drugs (dispensing), and in the process of using drugs (administration). The location of this research was at Lasinrang Hospital, Pinrang Regency based on the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia No. 72 of 2016 concerning Pharmaceutical Service Standards in Hospitals including administrative aspects, pharmaceutical aspects, and clinical aspects. The type of research used with descriptive non-experimental method with retrospective data collection, then observed based on administrative, pharmacetic, and clinical conformity. The results of the study in the administrative aspect showed 100% completeness, namely the patient's name, patient's age, patient's gender, doctor's name, doctor's address, prescription date, and prescription origin unit. The pharmacetic aspect showed 100% except for the strength of the drug 50.32% and the amount of the drug 31.04%. The clinical aspect showed 100% completeness of the accuracy of drug use. In terms of dose accuracy, there were drugs that were underdosed once 26.14% and daily 6.86%, right dose once 26.79% and daily 20.91%, exceeding the usual dose once 47.38% and daily 72.22%, and overdose once 11.76% and daily 31.69%.</em></p>2025-01-10T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Nurlina MODAL POLITIK DAN MODAL SOSIAL ANGGOTA LEGISLATIF DARI KALANGAN AKADEMISI PADA PEMILU LEGISLATIF KABUPATEN SUMBAWA TAHUN 20242025-01-09T21:31:51+07:00Irawansyah<p><em>Political capital and social capital refer to a number of resources, both real and potential, owned by individuals or groups. These resources come from a network of sustainably established relationships, most of which have been institutionalized. Political capital can be defined as the use of various types of capital owned by a political actor or institution, to create profitable political actions and strengthen their position. Political capital is a crucial element in the political process, both in the context of general elections and in efforts to make structural changes. When managed and used properly, the social and political capital owned by individuals can provide many benefits.</em></p> <p><em>This study adopts a qualitative approach, which focuses on analyzing the inductive thinking process related to the dynamics of the relationship between observed phenomena, while still applying scientific logic. This type of research is qualitative descriptive, which aims to understand various existing problems and applicable work procedures. The data collected by the researcher was in the form of written and oral words from informants. For this reason, the researcher conducted interviews with academics who are running for members of the Sumbawa Regency DPRD in the 2024 election.</em></p> <p><em>Social capital and political capital are forces that can build strong networks and relationships with the community, encouraging them to actively participate in supporting legislative candidates. This interaction is established through various joint activities, such as social and religious events, assistance to the local community, and daily interactions. The social relationships that have been formed are a valuable asset for legislative candidates in determining their position in the environment they want to control as a vote base.</em></p>2025-01-10T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Irawansyah KOMPETENSI LITERASI DAN NUMERASI SISWA SMK ASWAJA MELALUI PROGRAM KAMPUS MENGAJAR ANGKATAN 72025-01-11T10:37:34+07:00Iis Ni’matul<h1 style="text-align: justify; margin: .1pt 15.3pt .0001pt 0cm;"><em><span lang="id" style="font-size: 11.0pt; font-weight: normal;">Literacy competencies enable learners to understand, evaluate and interpret information by linking it to the needs of themselves and their surrounding environment and to respond to the needs of society. Numeracy is an ability related to basic mathematics used in solving problems in life, analyzing, interpreting, predicting and drawing conclusions. The 7th Generation Teaching Campus Program emphasizes strengthening literacy and numeracy competencies in schools that are at levels 1 and 2. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to find out the 7th Generation Teaching Campus programs at SMK Aswaja and to find out the implementation of the 7th generation teaching campus program to improve student literacy and numeracy at SMK Aswaja. Data collection methods with interviews, observation and document analysis. The results of the program implementation show that the work program includes making mading and posters, literacy and numeracy trees, playing educational videos, habituation of 15 minutes of literacy / reading books before the lesson takes place, number puzzle games, making reading corners, and revitalizing libraries, basic Microsoft training, training and CV making, repairing UKS, making toga gardens and QR codes, and making liquid and organic fertilizers. The results of the 7th batch teaching campus program on students' literacy and numeracy skills at SMK Aswaja are able to improve the ability of students to read and write.</span></em></h1>2025-01-10T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Iis Ni’matul Jannah PYTHON PYSIMPLEGUI UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KETERAMPILAN SKILL SISWA TIK SMP2025-01-10T20:36:49+07:00Sudirman T.P Lumbangaolpeniel.sitorus1995@gmail.comPeniel Sam Putra Sitoruspeniel.sitorus1995@gmail.comEduward Situmorangpeniel.sitorus1995@gmail.comRektor Sianturipeniel.sitorus1995@gmail.comLampola<p><em>Schools in Indonesia are an important environment for developing character, communication and the growth of students' minds in pursuing science and technology. Science and technology continue to develop, and human resources must be improved to keep up with these developments. The Indonesian state has a target to become a Golden Indonesia by 2045, with a focus on developing science and technology in balance with existing human resources. In the era of technology 5.0, schools in Indonesia are faced with the challenge of integrating increasingly advanced technology into education, so curriculum changes are being made to maintain the relevance of education with technological developments. Basic education in Indonesia has included programming language subjects, which are important in the development of technology and applications. At this time, the Python programming language is increasingly popular, because it is easy to understand by novice users and has many uses in various industrial fields. Python can be used to create desktop, mobile, game and other based programs. Its easy-to-understand nature makes it popular among technology developers.</em><em> Python also has many benefits, such as flexibility in using libraries to create applications and analysis. This programming language allows the implementation of the concepts of inheritance and polymorphism, so it is widely used in various operating systems. Secondary schools in Indonesia also focus on developing students' individual skills through an independent learning curriculum, which includes ICT subjects and programming languages. The Python programming language and the use of pysimplegui are encouraged to improve students' skills in technology. Through this research, it is hoped that it can increase understanding and use of the Python programming language pysimplegui in junior high schools (SMP) to help students develop skills and knowledge in technology. </em></p>2025-01-10T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Sudirman T.P Lumbangaol VOLUME BATUAN MENGGUNAKAN SOFTWARE AUTOCAD CIVIL 3D DENGAN METODE RULE OF GRADUAL CHANGE DAN RULE OF NEAREST POINT2025-01-11T12:41:23+07:00Jarwanto Jarwantojarwanbjb@gmail.comArie Noor Rakhmanjarwanbjb@gmail.comHimawan Rico<p><em>The research was conducted in an area located in Segoroyoso, Kapanewon Pleret, Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region Province. The enclosing rocks are part of the Semilir Formation in the form of tuff interspersed with lapilli. The rock located on this cliff will be cut with a length of 83 meters and a height of 36 meters with the aim of making a flat horizontal plane with an elevation of 50 meters above sea level which will then be made into building construction for the purposes of erecting boarding school buildings. The calculation of rock volume is based on Autocad Civil 3D software with the emphasis on 2 calculation methods, namely calculations using the Rule of Gradual Change and getting a volume of 106,714 m3 and according to the Rule of Nearest Point method getting a volume of 106,495 m3. There is a difference in the calculation results but the difference is not far adrift.</em></p>2025-01-10T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Jarwanto SELF DIRECTED LEARNING READINESS DENGAN PRESTASI MAHASISWA SEMESTER III FAKULTAS KEDOKTERAN UNIVERSITAS BAITURRAHMAH2025-01-14T10:02:19+07:00Resti Rahmadika Akbarrestirahmadikaakbar@gmail.comCyntia Puspa Dewirestirahmadikaakbar@gmail.comMeta Zulyati Oktorarestirahmadikaakbar@gmail.comMutiara<p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt; text-align: justify;"><em><span lang="EN-US" style="font-size: 11.0pt; color: #0e101a;">Background: One of the most influencing factors in achieving a satisfying score in an academic record is from the student himself. It is in form of the readiness for them to learn independently. This situation is often called sdlr. It is the level of readiness or the ability to learn independently. The important role for the sdlr formation in oneself can be used to score the level of students success in achieving their academic records</span></em><em><span lang="EN-US" style="font-size: 11.0pt; color: #0e101a;">. Objective: The aim of this study to know the correlation between self-directed learning readiness and 3rd-semester students Medical Faculty of Baiturrahmah University’s achievement. Methods: This study was conducted in the third semester of Medical Faculty of Baiturrahmah University from March to September 2020. This study belongs to unpaired comparative analytic by using Cross-Sectional Study design. The population of the study is all of the third-semester students of Baiturrahmah University with 105 samples. The sample is taken randomly. The union varied data analysis shown in frequency distributed table and bivariate analysis uses a Kruskal-Wallis test with SPSS program. Results: There is correlation between self directed learning readiness with students score in the third-semester students of medical faculty of baiturrahmah university, it is obtained the result of p=0,001 shows the most sldr score is in the high level, acquired by 67 students (63.8%) and the most concern is from the very satisfying grade acquired by the students, 78 students (74,3%). So it can be assumed that there is a significant relationship between sldr and the students' academic achievement. Conclusions: There is a significant correlation between Self Directed Learning Readiness and the third semester of Medical Faculty of Baiturrahmah University academic achievement.</span></em></p>2025-01-10T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Resti Rahmadika Akbar DALAM PENDEKATAN HOLISTIK UNTUK NYERI DAN POSTUR: PERSPEKTIF DARI LITERATUR TERKINI2025-01-18T11:09:00+07:00Mayduri Viola<p><em>Chiropractic is a therapeutic method focusing on spinal manipulation to restore body balance, alleviate chronic pain, and improve posture. This approach is increasingly relevant in the modern era, characterized by sedentary lifestyles often leading to musculoskeletal problems. This article aims to review the current literature on the effectiveness of chiropractic care in managing pain and improving posture as part of a holistic healthcare approach. This study employs a systematic literature review method, analyzing 30 articles published between 2018 and 2024 from databases such as PubMed, ScienceDirect, and Google Scholar. The selected articles include clinical studies, reviews, and meta-analyses relevant to chiropractic care. The review results indicate that chiropractic care reduces lower back pain by up to 70% in patients with herniated discs. Furthermore, 85% of patients reported improved posture following chiropractic therapy over six months. Studies also noted that patients who combined chiropractic care with regular exercise experienced significant improvements in mobility and quality of life compared to those who only received chiropractic therapy. The analysis highlights that the benefits of chiropractic care extend beyond physical improvement, encompassing psychological aspects such as stress reduction due to chronic pain alleviation. Within a holistic approach, chiropractic contributes to overall body balance and promotes natural healing without invasive interventions. The discussion emphasizes the importance of integrating chiropractic care into modern healthcare systems, particularly as a preventive approach to address global health challenges stemming from sedentary lifestyles. Chiropractic care is an effective therapy for managing chronic pain and improving posture within a holistic healthcare context. This method not only offers physical benefits but also supports mental well-being, making it a promising non-invasive solution to enhance overall quality of life. Further research is necessary to explore the potential applications of chiropractic care in addressing other health conditions.</em></p>2025-01-10T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Nusantara Hasana Journal KINERJA KEUANGAN TERHADAP NILAI PERUSAHAAN (STUDI KASUS PADA PERUSAHAAN SUB SEKTOR KERTAS DI BURSA EFEK INDONESIA)2025-01-21T09:45:42+07:00M. Rimawanrimawan111@gmail.comPuji<p><em>his research aims to determine the influence of return on assets, debt to equity ratio, current ratio and company size on company value in companies in the paper sub sector. This type of research is associative analysis with a quantitative approach. The population of this research are all paper sub-sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2019 to 2023. The total sample is 6 companies listed on the IDX. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. The data collection techniques used are documentation techniques and library techniques. In this research, the data analysis techniques used are classical assumptions, multiple linear regression tests, correlation and determination coefficients, hypothesis testing consisting of the t test and f test with the help of the SPSS version 26 program. The results show that the variables Return on Assets and Debt to equity have a significant effect on company value, while the current ratio variable has no effect on company value. Meanwhile, simultaneously it has a significant influence on company value<strong>.</strong></em></p>2025-01-10T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 M. Rimawan BUKU SAKU SAINS SD MELALUI EKSPLORASI EKOSISTEM PESISIR GRESIK2025-01-23T08:45:53+07:00Nataria Wahyuning SubayaniNatasya.winata@gmail.comAdinda<p><em>The purpose of this study was to develop an elementayr science pocket book through exploration of Gresik coastal ecosystems. This type of research is a development research that uses a modification of the 4D model into 3D, namely with the stages of define, design and develop which are adapted from the 4-D models (define, design, develop and disseminate). This study involved 23 students of class V UPT SDN 311 Gresik. Define is done by analyzing the beginning of the end, analyzing students and analyzing concepts. Design is done by making pocket book girds, making pocket book concept frames, making pocket book design drawings and making prototypes. Develop is done with product results, expert</em> <em>validation and learner response. Validation was carried out by involving media expert validators, material expert validators & language validators with the results of pocket books being very good and can be used with revisions. The pocket book that has been validated is tried to be used in learning in elementary schools with discussion and lecture learning methods, which results in the pocket book being acceptable and as a complementary source of information on ecosystem material, especially coastal ecosystems for students. Based on this, it is concluded that the pocket book is suitable for use in elementary schools as a complement to the material on the subject of Ecosystems. Therefore, it is recommended that this pocket book can be utilized as a learning resource for students and teachers in the subject of Ecosystems, especially coastal ecosystems.</em><em> </em></p>2025-01-10T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Nataria Wahyuning Subayani