Social Networks, Used Goods DealersAbstract
This study aims to determine the form of social networks between used goods traders and suppliers (take), and to determine the obstacles experienced in establishing social networks. The method used in this research is qualitative research by conducting participant observation, in-depth interviews and documentation as data collection techniques. As for the subject of this study, there were 6 market traders who were selected through certain criteria, and there was 1 key informant, namely a wholesaler. The results of this study, the relationship formed by traders in the Peaking Cloth Market are motivated by a network of interests: influenced by the economy and emotional networks: influenced by kinship and friendship. The form of the network is based on the strength of the interaction between Peaking Cloth Market traders and wholesalers, namely (1) weak bonds: occur in relationships that are not too intense, very rarely communicate, (2) then on strong bonds: marked by frequent communication and have a reciprocal relationship. As well as there are obstacles in establishing networks that are felt by large traders, namely constraints on trust in establishing relationships with new traders.
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