reading comprehension, comic, mediaAbstract
This research aims to improve the reading comprehension of students in class VIII-1 of SMP Bina Satria Mulia through comic. This study is classroom action research conducted using John Eliot's Model Research Procedure, which involves planning, acting, observing, reflecting, or evaluating. This study was conducted for the students in class VIII-1 with a total of 21 students during the 2020-2021 second semester at SMP Bina Satria Mulia. As the result, the average of students’ reading score before studying with comic was 53.14 (26.67%) with less criteria. After learning by using comic as media in the first cycle, the avarage of students reading comprehension scores rose to 63.14 (53.33%), well within the criteria, and in the second cycle of Reading comprehension is improving. The mean and percentage of 79.10 (80.00%) students have good standards.
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