Age, Mental Health, Nurse PerformanceAbstract
The spread of COVID-19 cannot be stopped, and the number of victims continues to grow. Health workers, especially nurses, are one of the most affected groups when they provide direct care to infected patients. Increased workload and working hours, high fatigue, depression, anxiety, frustration or stress, causing reduced contact with family and fatigue. This continuous increase greatly affects the increase in the workload and mental health conditions of health workers. Mental health is very important for individuals in living life to deal with problems. When a person has an unhealthy mentality, anxieties tend to overwhelm him. This study aims to determine the effect of age, mental health, and nurse performance at the Balaraja Hospital in 2022. This study was conducted by distributing questionnaires using Google Form. The population in this study were nurses at the Balaraja Hospital, amounting to 133 people. The data analysis used was univariate analysis and bivariate analysis with Chi-Square test. The results showed that there was no relationship between mental health and nurse performance with a P-value of 0.433>0.05. There is no relationship between mental health and respondent's age with a P-value of 0.974>0.05. There is no relationship between mental health and the age of the respondent with a P-value of 0.497>0.05.
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