Family Support, Caregiver Psychopathology, SchizophreniaAbstract
As one of the severe and chronic mental disorders, schizophrenia according to the APA (American Psychiatric Association) is in 1% of the world's population and WHO states that the prevalence of this disease ranges from 1-3 per million population. There is a real disability in the field of work, social relations, self-care and many more, causing the patient to be forced to depend on those who care for him, be it family or other relations. That is why family support is an important factor in schizophrenic patients. Family support includes: emotional support, appraisal support, informational support and instrumental support. Meanwhile, the situation of having to choose to spend more time and limiting personal interests can lead to psychopathology in caregivers which ultimately affects family support. This research is a correlative study with a cross-sectional approach, meaning that the variables to be studied are only measured with one measurement at a certain time. Psychopathology in the caregivers of schizophrenic patients reduces the patient's family support in the outpatient polyclinic of Arif Zainudin Hospital, Surakarta. The results obtained from this study are that psychopathology in caregivers of schizophrenia patients affects family support.
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