
  • Afri Satriawan Ali Universitas Yatsi Madani
  • Zahrah Maulidia Septimar Universitas Yatsi Madani


Clean and healthy lifestyle behavior, prevention of Covid-19 transmission in the community.


Clean and healthy lifestyle behavior (PHBS) is a form of behavior. Healthy behavior is a response made by individuals to maintain and improve healthy. According to Becker, healthy behavior is formed from three domains of Bloom’s taxonomy education. The domain consists of knowledge, attitudes and practices or actions. Knowledge is the result of a person’s learning process through various senses due to curiosity. Attitude is a person’s closed response produced as a result of stimulation to a particular stimulus. Practice is a form of application of knowledge and attitudes possessed by a person in a real or open form so that it can be seen by others. Research objectives to find out the description of the behavior of a clean and healthy lifestyle (PHBS) in the community in preventing the transmission of covid-19 during the pandemic. Research design is a plan, some interpret it as a pattern, cut, shape, purpose, model and intent. This research review will use quantitative descriptive research. Descriptive is suggested to describe or reduce a situation in a society or community. Based on the results of the analysis of the chi-square test results, it can be seen that the P value of the data is 0,000 (P<0.05), it can be concluded that the “hypothesis is accepted” data has a significant influence, namely between the life pattern behavior picture clean and healthy (PHBS) in the community Kp. Babakan, RT.005/RW.002, Kec. Serpong, City. South Tangerang in the prevention of Covid-19 Transmission During the pandemic period.


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How to Cite

Afri Satriawan Ali, & Zahrah Maulidia Septimar. (2022). GAMBARAN PERILAKU POLA HIDUP BERSIH DAN SEHAT (PHBS) DI MASYARAKAT DALAM PENCEGAHAN PENULARAN COVID-19 PADA MASA PANDEMI. Nusantara Hasana Journal, 2(6), 157–162. Retrieved from