Knowledge, Behavior, CigaretteAbstract
Smoking has become a habit for many people, and many have experienced health problems such as lung disease caused by smoking. The total number of smokers throughout Indonesia, active smokers, can reach 1.2 and 800 million, including in highly developed countries such as Indonesia and in foreign countries. According to data from the World Health Organization (2015), in terms of the proportion of smokers in Indonesia, Indonesia is the third country with the most smokers in the world after China and India. The proportion of smokers in Indonesia ranks first with 46.16% smokers. The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between the level of knowledge in adolescents about the dangers of smoking on smoking behavior in the village of Kiara Umbrella RT 003/004, sub-district Pakuhaji. Method in this study using quantitative with the concept of cross sectional population used in this study were teenagers in the village of Kiara Umbrella RT 003/004 sub-district Pakuhaji 93 respondents. This sampling technique uses probability sampling or random samples. The results of knowledge and smoking behavior in adolescents are good 3 respondents (3.2%), enough 76 respondents (81.7%), less than 14 respondents (15.1%) and for good behavior 56 respondents (60.2% ) and not good 37 respondents (39.8%). Based on the results of the study using the chi-square test, the P-Value value of 0.05 was 0.000, which means that there is a relationship between the level of adolescent knowledge about the dangers of smoking and smoking behavior. The test results p value 0.000, then Ha is accepted meaning that there is a relationship between the level of knowledge of adolescents about the dangers of smoking on smoking behavior in the village of Kiara Umbrella RT 003/004 Kec.pakuhaji. There is a relationship between the frequency of adolescent knowledge about the dangers of smoking on smoking behavior in the village of Kiara Umbrella and the suggestion is that adolescents are expected to know more about the dangers of smoking to health.
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