Institutional, Local Potential, and MSMEAbstract
The purpose of this study was to develop an elementayr science pocket book through exploration of Gresik coastal ecosystems. This type of research is a development research that uses a modification of the 4D model into 3D, namely with the stages of define, design and develop which are adapted from the 4-D models (define, design, develop and disseminate). This study involved 23 students of class V UPT SDN 311 Gresik. Define is done by analyzing the beginning of the end, analyzing students and analyzing concepts. Design is done by making pocket book girds, making pocket book concept frames, making pocket book design drawings and making prototypes. Develop is done with product results, expert validation and learner response. Validation was carried out by involving media expert validators, material expert validators & language validators with the results of pocket books being very good and can be used with revisions. The pocket book that has been validated is tried to be used in learning in elementary schools with discussion and lecture learning methods, which results in the pocket book being acceptable and as a complementary source of information on ecosystem material, especially coastal ecosystems for students. Based on this, it is concluded that the pocket book is suitable for use in elementary schools as a complement to the material on the subject of Ecosystems. Therefore, it is recommended that this pocket book can be utilized as a learning resource for students and teachers in the subject of Ecosystems, especially coastal ecosystems.
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